Facts about Catherine Bach

Catherine Bach is 71 years old
Born: March 1, 1954
Birthplace: Warren, Ohio, United States
Best known as: Daisy Duke on TV's The Dukes of Hazzard



Catherine Bach Biography

Name at birth: Catherine Bachman

Catherine Bach played kissin’ cousin Daisy Duke in the popular TV series The Dukes of Hazzard. The show ran from 1979-85 and Bach, dressed as Daisy in short-shorts and extra-tight shirts, became a star. A popular poster of her in Daisy Duke-style shorts sold over five million copies (according to a 2009 story on CantonRep.com) and put Bach briefly in Farrah Fawcett territory as a poster girl. From 1993-1995, Catherine Bach appeared as a wildlife rancher in the series African Skies, and in 2012 joined the cast of the TV soap opera The Young and the Restless.

Extra credit

Daisy Duke was played by Jessica Simpson in the 2005 feature film version of The Dukes of Hazzard. Bach, who was 51 when the film came out, was not considered for the role… 


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