Facts about Dennis Rodman

Dennis Rodman is 63 years old
Born: May 13, 1961
Best known as: The freaky former NBA star with the funny hair colors


Dennis Rodman Biography

A fierce rebounder, Dennis Rodman played alongside Michael Jordan on three championship Chicago Bulls teams in the 1990s. Yet he was better known for his eccentric and attention-hunting behavior, especially his habit of changing hair colors weekly or daily. The same traits made him a media darling: Rodman was paired with Jean Claude van Damme in the movie Double Team (1997) and wrote the best-selling book Bad As I Wanna Be. In 1998 he married actress Carmen Electra, a union which ended the next year. Rodman played with the Los Angeles Lakers and Dallas Mavericks before finally dropping out of the league in 2000. An attempt at a comeback in 2005 didn’t work out, and by 2012 his attorney was publicly calling him “broke” and “sick,” with very little marketability as an athlete or celebrity.

Extra credit

Rodman’s nickname is “The Worm.”


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