Facts about Liv Tyler

Liv Tyler is 47 years old
Born: July 1, 1977
Best known as: Elf princess Arwen in the film trilogy The Lord of the Rings



Liv Tyler Biography

A former teen model, Liv Tyler made her acting debut in 1994’s Silent Fall. By the end of the 1990s Tyler had a dozen movies to her credit, including Stealing Beauty (1996), Armageddon (1998, with Ben Affleck and Bruce Willis) and Cookie’s Fortune (1999). Beginning in 2001 she co-starred with Viggo Mortensen in Peter Jackson‘s three-films-in-three-years movie series The Lord of the Rings, playing the elf princess Arwen Evenstar.

Extra credit

Tyler is the daughter of model Bebe Buell and singer Steven Tyler of the rock band Aerosmith, but was raised believing her father was pop star Todd Rundgren, with whom Buell was living… Tyler appeared with Alicia Silverstone in the Aerosmith music video "Crazy."… Tyler married Royston Langdon, singer for the band Spacehog, on 25 March 2003.


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