Robert Browning

Facts about Robert Browning

Robert Browning died at 77 years old
Born: May 7, 1812
Birthplace: London, England
Best known as: Victorian poet and husband of Elizabeth Barrett

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Robert Browning Biography

Known for his dramatic monologues, England’s Robert Browning is considered one of the most influential and important poets of the 19th century.

Browning began publishing poems in the 1830s, attracting some notice but not much financial success. Moved by the poems of Elizabeth Barrett, he met her and they began a romance, marrying secretly in 1846.

They moved to Italy, where they lived until her death. In 1861 Browning returned to England and published some of his best-known work. His 1864 collection, Dramatis Personae, brought him accolades and popular success, which was furthered by his 1869 monologues in The Ring and the Book.

After his death in 1889 he was given the honor of burial in Westminster Abbey. His poems include Pippa Passes and How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix. His larger collections include Bells and Pomegranates (1841-6) and Men and Women (1855).

Extra credit

Browning’s famous poem about the Pied Piper of Hamelin was first published in 1842.


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