Robert Louis Stevenson

Facts about Robert Stevenson

Robert Louis Stevenson died at 44 years old
Birthplace: Edinburgh, Scotland
Best known as: The author of Treasure Island

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Robert Louis Stevenson Biography

Robert Louis Stevenson was one of the most-read adventure novelists of the late 1800s and the author of Kidnapped (1886), The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886), and Treasure Island (1883).

The latter book features Stevenson’s famous crafty pirate Long John Silver.

Stevenson also published a much-loved book of poems, A Child’s Garden of Verse (1885), and was known for his prolific output — a surprise to modern readers familiar with his classics.

Having suffered from tuberculosis for much of his life, Stevenson spent many years traveling in search of a climate that would suit his illness.

He finally settled in Samoa, where he died in 1894 and is buried.

Extra credit

The book that some believe would have been Stevenson’s best, Weir of Hermiston, was left unfinished at his death.


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