How come Mitt Romney had so little to say about the Rush Limbaugh “slut” brouhaha last week?

Maybe because Rush works for Clear Channel — and Clear Channel directors have given Mitt Romney $726,400 over the years.
There’s more: Mitt’s old company, Bain Capital, actually controls Rush now:
Romney’s former company, Bain Capital, acquired Clear Channel in 2008 with another Boston-based investment firm, Thomas H. Lee Partners (THL)… The $26 billion merger, which was launched simultaneously with Romney’s first presidential candidacy in late 2006 and placed Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and much of the talk-show right under Bain/Lee control, also involved Romney’s longtime law firm, Ropes & Gray, whose managing partner is the trustee of the family’s blind trust.
Clear Channel awarded Limbaugh an eight-year, $400 million contract when the Bain/Lee acquisition closed.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.