Benjamin Harrison

Facts about Benjamin Harrison

Benjamin Harrison died at 67 years old
Born: August 20, 1833
Died: March 13, 1901
Best known as: President of the United States 1889-1893

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Benjamin Harrison Biography

Benjamin Harrison was a Civil War general and a Republican senator from Indiana before defeating incumbent Grover Cleveland in the 1888 presidential election. His presidency was undistinguished, but his family tree was not: Harrison’s great-grandfather was a signer of the Declaration of Independence; his grandfather was William Henry Harrison, ninth president of the United States; and his father was a congressman from Ohio. In a try for a second term, Harrison was defeated by Grover Cleveland in a rematch of their 1888 race.

Extra credit

Benjamin Harrison’s first wife, Caroline Scott Harrison, died less than a month before Harrison lost his reelection bid… He was the 23rd president of the United States.


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