Facts about Kato Kaelin

Kato Kaelin is 66 years old
Born: March 9, 1959
Best known as: The houseguest who testified at the O.J. Simpson murder trial



Kato Kaelin Biography

Name at birth: Brian Kaelin

Brian “Kato” Kaelin was a footnote in the notorious 1995 murder trial of retired football star O.J. Simpson.

Simpson was accused of killing his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and an acquaintance of hers, Ron Goldman at the Simpsons’ Brentwood home in 2004. Kato Kaelin, an aspiring actor, was living as a houseguest at the home on the night that the murders occurred. As such he was called to testify in the murder trial, which was televised across America.

Kaelin’s sun-bleached hair and know-nothing testimony made him one of the trial’s minor celebrities — a piquant mix of California slacker dude and Hollywood hanger-on. O.J. Simpson was found not guilty, and Kato Kaelin parlayed his fame into appearances on TV shows like The Norm Show (2001), Celebrity Boot Camp (2002) and Eye For an Eye (2005-07), and in movies including BASEketball (1998) and Dorm Daze 2 (2006).

Extra credit

Kato Kaelin got his nickname of Kato from the character played by Bruce Lee in the TV series The Green Hornet (1966-67).


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