The Who2 Blog

Phyllis Diller is Dead, But Not Recently So

If you just read on Facebook that Phyllis Diller has died, you’re perfectly right to be sad about it.  

You’re also a little late. Diller died in August of 2012.  Facebook was just a bit slow getting the news.

The Facebook link that’s making the rounds points to a story from station WFMZ in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Nobody knows why, or why now. Even WFMZ seems a little confused about the whole thing: they’ve added this note to the top of their Diller obituary:

NOTE: If you have reached this page from a Facebook “recommend,” please be aware that this story is from 2012. It appears that Facebook may have errantly added this recommended page to some users’ timelines. is investigating this issue.

Good luck to them with their investigation! And god bless you, wherever you are, Phyllis Diller.

See our full Phyllis Diller biography »


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