You’re a celebrity: start posing
Whether you’re a movie star or a presidential candidate, sometimes you just have to pose with a guy wearing an animal suit. We catch some celebs in the act.

Nick Nolte is pinned between two humans in animal suits at the Los Angeles premiere of the film Over The Hedge in 2006.

Distinguished comedian Tina Fey poses with a guy in a bunny costume in March of 2011. The occaision was the Bunny Hop, an annual fundraiser in New York.

Comedian Steve Martin poses with some guy in a Pink Panther costume before a screening of Martin’s film Pink Panther 2 at the Berlin Film Festival in 2009.

Reese Witherspoon (right) and a guy dressed as a one-eyed alien at the London premiere of Monsters and Aliens in 2009.

Paris Hilton gives a kiss to a guy in a monkey costume at a 2008 part for The Bongo Virus.

Rudy Giuliani (center) and Barbara Walters (right) with Fudgie the Whale in 2009 in Water Mill, New York. Giuliani’s wife, Judith Nathan, is at left.

Renee Zellweger (left), Jerry Seinfeld (center) and some guy in a bee suit at the premiere of the animated film Bee Movie in 2007.

President Barack Obama and some guy in a rabbit suit listen attentively to First Lady Michelle Obama during the White House Easter Egg Roll in 2009.

Actress Sofia Vergara gets friendly with an unidentified (and startled) Smurf at the 2011 premiere of The Smurfs Movie.

Newt Gingrich (lower right) and his wife Callista Gingrich pose with a guy in an elephant costume (center) and an unidentified fan in 2011.

Does Mickey Mouse count as a guy in an animal costume? Certainly!
Singer Mariah Carey poses with AGIAMMC at Disneyland, circa 2010.

Forget the furry costumes. Now it’s time to see celebs touching koalas, llamas, whales and OTHER REAL CUTE ANIMALS »