Happy holidays! Our very best wishes to you, dear readers, from Who2 headquarters in Portland, Boston and Sebastopol (California, not Crimea).

As we go on hiatus until 2014, please enjoy this grab bag of holiday hits from Christmases Past:
- Why Christmas in Connecticut is
possiblydefinitely the best Christmas movie ever.
- A list of the biggest-grossing Christmas Day movies of all time.
- Our biography of jolly old Saint Nicholas.
- Many photos of Santa Claus.
- A biography of Bing Crosby, beloved singer of White Christmas.
- Star Trek’s Captain Picard sings Let It Snow.

- A long look at Romeo Muller, the man who wrote Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer and many other (increasingly weird) Christmas specials.
- A biography of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas… and also Tiny Tim!
And finally…
- Five celebrity Christmas songs I never want to hear again (but undoubtedly will).
Who could have guessed in the 1960s that someday two different Beatles would have songs on the most-hated Christmas list? It’s a miracle.
But enough of the bah humbug. (And by the way, we promise to do more Hannukah, Kwanzaa, Solstice and non-denominational holiday posts in the future.) Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all. We’ll see you in 2014!