Famous People Whose Names Start With I
- Ianevski, Stanislav
- Ibrahim
- Ibsen, Henrik
- Ice Cube
- Iceman, Oetzi
- Ichiro
- Idle, Eric
- Idol, Billy
- I'll Have Another
- Il-sung, Kim
- Iman
- Iman, Chanel
- Imes, Monique
- Imhotep
- Impressions, The
- Imus, Don
- Ince, Thomas H.
- Incredible Hulk, The
- Inoue, Harumi
- Inspector Clouseau
- Iommi, Tony
- Iraqi Shoe Thrower, The
- Ireland, Kathy
- Iron Horse, The
- Iron Lady, The
- Irons, Jeremy
- Irving, Clifford
- Irving, John
- Irving, Washington
- Irwin, Steve
- Isaac
- Isaac, Oscar
- Isaacson, Walter
- Isabella, Queen of Castille
- Iscariot, Judas
- Isherwood, Christopher
- Ishiguro, Kazuo
- Islam, Yusuf
- Ivanisevic, Goran
- Ivan the Terrible
- Iver, Bon
- Iverson, Allen
- Ivins, Molly
- Iz, Bruddah