Famous People Whose Names Start With P
- P. Diddy
- Paar, Jack
- Pacino, Al
- Pacquiao, Manny
- Page, Bettie
- Page, Elliot
- Page, Jimmy
- Page, Larry
- Paglia, Camille
- Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza Shah
- Paige, Satchel
- Paine, Thomas
- Paisley, Brad
- Paisley, Ian
- Pakula, Alan J.
- Palance, Jack
- Palin, Bristol
- Palin, Sarah
- Palin, Todd
- Palmer, Arnold
- Paltrow, Gwyneth
- Panayiotou, Georgios
- Panetta, Leon
- Panettiere, Hayden
- Papale, Vince
- Paquin, Anna
- Paracelsus
- Parillaud, Anne
- Park, Chan-wook
- Park, Nick
- Parker, Alan
- Parker, Bonnie
- Parker, Charlie
- Parker, Dorothy
- Parker, Mary-Louise
- Parker, Nate
- Parker, Peter
- Parker, Robert Leroy
- Parker, Sarah Jessica
- Parker-Bowles, Camilla
- Park Jae-sang
- Parks, Bert
- Parks, Rosa
- Parrish, Maxfield
- Parsons, Gram
- Parsons, Jim
- Parton, Dolly
- Partridge, Keith
- Partridge, Shirley
- Pascal, Blaise
- Pasteur, Louis
- Patch, Sam
- Patel, Dev
- Paterno, Joe
- Paterson, David
- Patitz, Tatjana
- Patrick, Danica
- Patrick, Saint
- Patten, Gilbert
- Patterson, James
- Pattinson, Robert
- Patton, George S.
- Paul, Aaron
- Paul, Alexandra
- Paul, Caroline
- Paul, Les
- Paul, Rand
- Paul, Ron
- Pauling, Linus
- Paul of Tarsus
- Paulsen, Gary
- Paulson, Henry Jr.
- Pava, Jessika "Testor"
- Pavarotti, Luciano
- Pavlov, Ivan
- Pawlenty, Tim
- Pawlikowski, Pawel
- Paxton, Bill
- Payne, Alexander
- Paz, Octavio
- Pearce, Guy
- Pearman, Raven-Symoné
- Peary, Robert E.
- Peavy, Pauline
- Peck, George W.
- Peck, Gregory
- Peckinpah, Sam
- Peck's Bad Boy
- Peel, Emma
- Peel, John
- Peel, Robert
- Peele, Jordan
- Peet, Amanda
- Pegasus
- Pei, I.M.
- Pell, Claiborne
- Pelosi, Nancy
- Pelé
- Pence, Karen
- Pence, Mike
- Penn, Robin Wright
- Penn, Sean
- Penn, William
- Pennebaker, D.A.
- Penniman, Little Richard
- Pepys, Samuel
- Perelman, S.J.
- Peres, Shimon
- Perkins, John
- Perlman, Ron
- Peron, Eva
- Perot, Ross
- Perry, Katy
- Perry, Luke
- Perry, Matthew
- Perry, Matthew Calbraith
- Perry, Oliver Hazard
- Perry, Rick
- Perry, Tyler
- Pershing, John J.
- Pesci, Joe
- Pestova, Daniela
- Peter, Paul & Mary
- Peter Pan
- Petersen, William
- Peterson, Cassandra
- Peterson, Oscar
- Peterson, Roger Tory
- Peter the Great
- Petraeus, David H.
- Petty, Richard
- Petty, Tom
- Phar Lap
- Pharoah, American
- Phelps, Fred Sr.
- Phelps, Michael
- Philbin, Regis
- Philby, Harold "Kim"
- Phillippe, Ryan
- Phillips, Bijou
- Phillips, John
- Phillips, Mackenzie
- Phillips, Todd
- Phoenix, Joaquin
- Phoenix, River
- Phyllis McAlpin Stewart
- Piaf, Edith
- Piaget, Jean
- Piazza, Mike
- Picard, Jean-Luc
- Picasso, Pablo
- Picciotto, Guy
- Pickford, Mary
- Pied Piper, The
- Pierce, Franklin
- Pierce, Hawkeye
- Pierce, Jane
- Pike, Rosamund
- Piketty, Thomas
- Pillsbury Doughboy, The
- Pine, Chris
- Pink
- Pink Floyd
- Pink Panther, The
- Pinocchio
- Pinochet, Augusto
- Pinsky, Drew
- Pinter, Harold
- Pinto, Freida
- Pirandello, Luigi
- Pirsig, Robert
- Pissarro, Camille
- Pistorius, Oscar
- Pitcher, Molly
- Pitt, Brad
- Pitts, Leonard Jr.
- Pitts, Zasu
- Piven, Jeremy
- Pixies, The
- Pizarro, Francisco
- Plaid Shirt, Guy With The
- Plame, Valerie
- Planck, Max
- Plant, Robert
- Plantagenet, Elizabeth
- Plath, Sylvia
- Plato
- Plaza, Aubrey
- Plemons, Jesse
- Plessy, Homer
- Pliny the Elder
- Plummer, Christopher
- Plutarch
- Pocahontas
- Poe, Edgar Allan
- Poehler, Amy
- Pohl, Frederik
- Poincaré, Henri
- Poirot, Hercule
- Poitier, Sidney
- Polanski, Roman
- Polk, James
- Polk, Sarah Childress
- Pollard, Jonathan
- Pollock, Jackson
- Polo, Marco
- Pol Pot
- Pompeo, Ellen
- Ponce de León, Juan
- Ponzi, Carlo
- Pooh, Winnie the
- Poole, Elijah
- Pop, Iggy
- Pope, Alexander
- Pope Benedict XVI
- Pope Francis I
- Pope Gregory XIII
- Pope Joan
- Pope John Paul I
- Pope John Paul II
- Pope Julius II
- Pope Leo X
- Pope Pius IX
- Pope Urban VIII
- Popeye the Sailor
- Poppins, Mary
- Porcaro, Jeff
- Porter, Bill
- Porter, Cole
- Porter, Katherine Anne
- Porter, William Sydney
- Portis, Charles
- Portman, Natalie
- Posey, Parker
- Posh Spice
- Post, Emily
- Potash, Richard Jay
- Potter, Beatrix
- Potter, Harry
- Pound, Ezra
- Poundstone, Paula
- Powell, Colin
- Powell, William
- Power, Samantha
- Powers, Austin
- Powers, Francis Gary
- Powter, Susan
- Poésy, Clémence
- Prabhupada, Srila
- Pratt, Chris
- Prefontaine, Steve
- Prejean, Carrie
- President for a Day
- Presley, Elvis
- Pressly, Jaime
- Prester John
- Preston, Kelly
- Pretty Ricky
- Previn, André
- Prez, The
- Price, Katie
- Price, Roger
- Price, Vincent
- Priebus, Reince
- Priestley, Joseph
- Prince
- Prince, Erik
- Prince Albert
- Prince Albert of Monaco
- Prince Andrea of Monaco
- Prince Andrew
- Prince Harry (Henry)
- Prince Hisahito
- Prince Louis of Cambridge
- Prince of Cornwall and Cambridge, The
- Prince Philip
- Prince Rainier III
- Princess Caroline
- Princess Charlene of Monaco
- Princess Charlotte of Cornwall and Cambridge
- Princess Diana
- Princess Grace of Monaco
- Princess Kiko
- Princess Margaret
- Princess Masako
- Princess Stephanie
- Prince William
- Prine, John
- Prinsloo, Behati
- Prinze, Freddie
- Prinze, Freddie Jr.
- Proctor, John
- Prokofiev, Sergei
- Prometheus
- Proulx, Annie
- Proust, Marcel
- Prowse, David
- Prufrock, J. Alfred
- Pryce, Jonathan
- Prynne, Hester
- Pryor, Richard
- Préval, René
- Publius
- Pufnstuf, H.R.
- Pugh, Florence
- Puig, Manuel
- Puig, Yasiel
- Pulaski, Casimir
- Pulitzer, Joseph
- Pullman, Philip
- Punisher, Big
- Punxsutawny Phil
- Pushkin, Alexander
- Putin, Vladimir
- Pyle, Gomer
- Pynchon, Thomas
- Pyrrhus
- Pythagoras
- Python, Monty
- Pétain, Henri Philippe
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