Famous People Whose Names Start With T
- t.A.T.u.
- T.I.
- Tacitus
- Taft, Helen "Nellie"
- Taft, Robert
- Taft, William
- Takei, George
- Tambor, Jeffrey
- Tammy Faye
- Tan, Amy
- Tanning, Dorothea
- Tan Tock Seng
- Tarantino, Quentin
- Tardar Sauce
- Tarkovsky, Andrei
- Tartt, Donna
- Tatanka-Iyotanka
- Tate, Sharon
- Tatum, Art
- Tatum, Channing
- Tautou, Audrey
- Tayler, Doris
- Taylor, Andy
- Taylor, Breonna
- Taylor, Charles
- Taylor, Elizabeth
- Taylor, James
- Taylor, Margaret Smith Mackall
- Taylor, Mick
- Taylor, Niki
- Taylor, Zachary
- Taylor-Joy, Anya
- Taymor, Julie
- Tchaikovsky, Peter
- Teach, Edward
- Tebow, Tim
- Tecumseh
- Tejada, Jo Raquel
- Teller, Edward
- Teller, Miles
- Temple, Shirley
- Temujin
- Tennant, David
- Tennsyon, Lord Alfred
- Tenshin, Okakura
- Tenzin Gyatso
- Teresa of Avila
- Tereshkova, Valentina
- Terry and the Pirates
- Tesla, Nikola
- Tettamanzi, Cardinal Dionigi
- Texas Playboys, The
- Tezuka, Osamu
- Thalberg, Irving
- Thalia
- Thatcher, Margaret
- The Artist Formerly Known As Prince
- The Brothers Karamazov
- The Clash
- The Dixie Chicks
- The Game
- The Grinch
- The Joker
- Theophrastus
- Theotokopoulos, Domenikos
- The Pips, Gladys Knight and
- Theremin, Leon
- Theron, Charlize
- Theroux, Justin
- Theroux, Louis
- The Strokes
- The White Stripes
- Thiam, Aliaune "Akon"
- Thiessen, Tiffani
- Thomas, Clarence
- Thomas, Danny
- Thomas, Dylan
- Thomas, Kristin Scott
- Thomas, Kurt
- Thompson, Alana
- Thompson, Andrea
- Thompson, David
- Thompson, Elaine
- Thompson, Emma
- Thompson, Fred
- Thompson, Hunter S.
- Thompson, Jim
- Thompson, Kenan
- Thoreau, Henry David
- Thornton, Billy Bob
- Thornton, Willie Mae
- Thorpe, Jim
- Three Stooges, The
- Throat, Deep
- Thunberg, Greta
- Thurber, James
- Thurman, Uma
- Thwaites, Brenton
- Tiberius
- Tiegs, Cheryl
- Tighe, Virginia
- Till, Emmett
- Tillerson, Rex
- Tillman, Pat
- Tilly, Jennifer
- Timberlake, Justin
- Tiny Tim
- Tippit, J.D.
- Tisdale, Ashley
- Titian
- Tito, Josip Broz
- Titus Flavius Vespasianus
- T-Mac
- Tojo, Hideki
- Tokowitz, Donald
- Toles, Tom
- Tolkien, J.R.R.
- Tolstoy, Leo
- Tomei, Marisa
- Tomita, Tamlyn
- Tomlin, Lily
- Tompkins, Daniel D.
- Tone-Loc
- Tong, Goh Chok
- Tony the Wonder Horse
- Torn, Rip
- Toro, Benicio Del
- Torres, Dara
- Torres, Gina
- Torvalds, Linus
- Toto (dog)
- Tourist Guy, The
- Townshend, Pete
- T'Pol the Vulcan
- Tracy, Spencer
- Trane
- Traveller
- Travers, Mary
- Travers, P.L.
- Travis, Randy
- Travolta, John
- Treadwell, Timothy
- Trebek, Alex
- Trethewey, Natasha
- Tricky
- Trigger
- Trintignant, Marie
- Trismegistus, Hermes
- Troi, Deanna
- Trotsky, Leon
- Trout, Mike
- Troyer, Verne
- Trudeau, Justin
- Trudeau, Pierre
- Truffaut, François
- Truman, Bess
- Truman, Harry S.
- Trumbo, Dalton
- Trump, Barron
- Trump, Donald
- Trump, Donald Jr.
- Trump, Eric
- Trump, Ivanka
- Trump, Melania
- Trump, Tiffany
- Trundle, Guy
- Truss, Liz
- Truth, Sojourner
- Tse-Tung, Mao
- Tubman, Harriet
- Tucci, Stanley
- Tuchman, Barbara
- Tupac
- Turing, Alan
- Turk, The
- Turkson, Peter
- Turlington, Christy
- Turner, Lana
- Turner, Nat
- Turner, Ted
- Turner, Tina
- Tutankhamen (aka King Tut)
- Tutu, Desmond
- Twain, Mark
- Twain, Shania
- Tweed, Shannon
- Tyldum, Morten
- Tyler, John
- Tyler, Julia Gardiner
- Tyler, Letitia Christian
- Tyler, Liv
- Tyler, Steven
- Tyner, McCoy
- Tyson, Cicely
- Tyson, Mike
- Tyson, Neil DeGrasse
- Tzu, Lao
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