Famous People Whose Names Start With W
- Wade, Dwyane
- Wadlow, Robert
- Wagner, Richard
- Wagner, Robert
- Wahlberg, Donnie
- Wahlberg, Mark
- Waithe, Lena
- Waits, Tom
- Wakefield, Ruth
- Walcott, Lewis
- Waldorf, Blair
- Wales, Jimmy
- Walesa, Lech
- Walken, Christopher
- Walker, Alice
- Walker, Brian
- Walker, David
- Walker, John
- Walker, Maggie Lena
- Walker, Paul
- Walker, Roberto Clemente
- Walker, Scott
- Walker, William
- Wallace, Alfred Russel
- Wallace, David Foster
- Wallace, George
- Wallace, Henry A.
- Wallace, Mike
- Wallace, William
- Wallach, Eli
- Wallendas, The Flying
- Waller, Fats
- Wallis, Quvenzhané
- Walsh, Kate
- Walsh, M. Emmet
- Walsh, Stella
- Walters, Barbara
- Walton, Sam
- Waltz, Christoph
- Wambach, Abby
- Wan, James
- Warbeck, Perkin
- Ward Howe, Julia
- Warhol, Andy
- Warner, Brian
- Warren, Earl
- Warren, Elizabeth
- Warren, Estella
- Warren, Rick
- Warwick, Dionne
- Washington, Booker T.
- Washington, Denzel
- Washington, George
- Washington, Isaiah
- Washington, John David
- Washington, Kerry
- Washington, Martha
- Washoe the Chimp
- Wasikowska, Mia
- Waters, David Mark Rylance
- Waters, John
- Waters, Muddy
- Waters, Roger
- Watkins, Gloria
- Watson, Doc
- Watson, Doctor
- Watson, Emily
- Watson, Emma
- Watson, James
- Watson, Tom
- Watt, James
- Watterson, Bill
- Watts, Alan
- Watts, Charlie
- Watts, Naomi
- Watts, Reggie
- Wayne, Bruce
- Wayne, John
- Wayne, Lil
- Weaver, Jacki
- Weaver, Sigourney
- Webb, Jim
- Weber, Dick
- Webster, Noah
- Weiland, Scott
- Weiner, Anthony
- Weinstein, Harvey
- Weisz, Rachel
- Welch, Raquel
- Welles, Orson
- Welling, Tom
- Wells, H. G.
- Wells, Ida B.
- Wells, Kitty
- Welter, Jen
- Welty, Eudora
- Wen Ho Lee
- Wenner, Jann
- Werber, Bernard
- Werkheiser, Devon
- Wertmüller, Lina
- West, Adam
- West, Cornel
- West, James
- West, Kanye
- West, Mae
- West, North
- West, Rebecca
- West, Shane
- Westheimer, Ruth
- Westinghouse, George
- Wharton, Edith
- Wheatley, Phillis
- Wheaton, Wil
- Whedon, Joss
- Whistler, James McNeill
- Whitaker, Forest
- White, Barry
- White, Betty
- White, Ellen G.
- White, Shaun
- White, Vanna
- White, Walter
- Whitehead, Alfred North
- Whitehead, Colson
- White Stripes, The
- Whitman, Richard
- Whitman, Walt
- Whitney, Eli
- Whittaker, Jodie
- Who, Doctor
- Who, The
- Wicked Witch of the West, The
- Wie, Michelle
- Wiesel, Elie
- Wiesenthal, Simon
- Wiggum, Chief
- Wiig, Kristen
- Wild, Jack
- Wilde, Olivia
- Wilde, Oscar
- Wilder, Billy
- Wilder, Gene
- Wilder, Laura Ingalls
- Wildfire
- Wild Orchid
- Wilhelm II
- Wilkinson, Jonny
- Wilkinson, Tom
- Willard, Fred
- Willem-Alexander
- William, Prince
- William II of England
- William of Ockham
- Williams, Andy
- Williams, Barry
- Williams, Dar
- Williams, Esther
- Williams, Gluyas
- Williams, Hank
- Williams, Jayson
- Williams, John
- Williams, John Allen
- Williams, Maisie
- Williams, Maria P.
- Williams, Michelle
- Williams, Robin
- Williams, Serena
- Williams, Stanley Tookie
- Williams, Ted
- Williams, Tennessee
- Williams, Vanessa
- Williams, Venus
- Williams, Wendy
- Williams, William Carlos
- Williamson, Fred
- William the Conqueror
- Willig, George
- Willis, Bruce
- Willis, Connie
- Willis, Gordon
- Wills, Bob
- Willy, Free
- Wilson, August
- Wilson, Charlie
- Wilson, Dennis
- Wilson, Dooley
- Wilson, E.O.
- Wilson, Edith Bolling Galt
- Wilson, Ellen Axson
- Wilson, Flip
- Wilson, Jackie
- Wilson, Owen
- Wilson, Rebel
- Wilson, Robert Anton
- Wilson, Russell
- Wilson, Valerie Plame
- Wilson, Woodrow
- Winehouse, Amy
- Winfrey, Oprah
- Winger, Debra
- Winnie the Pooh
- Winslet, Kate
- Winstead, Mary Elizabeth
- Winters, Jonathan
- Wiseau, Tommy
- Withers, Bill
- Witherspoon, Reese
- Witt, Alicia
- Witt, Katarina
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig
- Wittstock, Charlene
- Wizard of Menlo Park, The
- Wojtyla, Karol
- Wolf, Howlin'
- Wolf, Michelle
- Wolfe, Thomas
- Wolfe, Tom
- Wolff, Alex
- Wolff, Nat
- Wolff, Tobias
- Wollstonecraft, Mary
- Wonder, Stevie
- Wonder Woman
- Wong, Anna May
- Wonka, Willy
- Woo, John
- Wood, Elijah
- Wood, Natalie
- Woodhull, Victoria Claflin
- Woodley, Shailene
- Woods, Tiger
- Woodson, Carter G.
- Woodward, Bob
- Woolf, Virginia
- Wordsworth, William
- Worm, The
- Worthington, Sam
- Wozniak, Steve
- Wright, Charles
- Wright, Edgar
- Wright, Frank Lloyd
- Wright, Jeremiah
- Wright, Richard
- Wright, Robin
- Wright Brothers, The
- Wrobel, Magdalena
- Wrong Way Corrigan
- Wu Chao
- Wuornos, Aileen
- Wyclef Jean
- Wycliffe, John
- Wyeth, Andrew
- Wyle, Noah
- Wyler, William
- Wyman, Bill