“As if this couldn’t get more bizarre.”
That’s how a local TV reporter describes this morning’s incident at Tiger Woods‘ home near Orlando, Florida. A 911 call was made at 2:30 am (!), and an ambulance “rushed” an unidentified woman to a local hospital — the same hospital where Woods went after his accident 10 days ago.
The unidentified woman doesn’t appear to be Woods’ wife Elin. Instead, the WFTV news crew saw a Cadillac Escalade “driven by a woman that looked a lot like Elin Woods” pull up to the hospital shortly afterwards.
WFTV says the license plate on that Escalade was nearly identical to the license plate on the one Woods crashed, suggesting they came from the same leasing company.
WFTV has grainy video of an unidentified person being wheeled into the hospital. They say it’s a woman, but it’s hard to tell even that; someone with gray or dirty blonde hair, that seems to be the best guess. The Orlando Sentinel says the woman has since been released from the hospital.
It doesn’t look like Tiger’s mom Kutilda, at any rate. Elin’s mother, Barbro Holmberg, reportedly arrived in the US from Sweden on Monday.
[Update: Looks like the patient was Ms. Holmberg.]
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Tags: | Elin Nordegren, Tiger Woods |