Bruce Springsteen’s Groovy Eulogy for Clarence Clemons

Bruce Springsteen’s Groovy Eulogy for Clarence Clemons

“As you boys know your pop was a not a day at the beach. ‘C’ lived a life where he did what he wanted to do and he let the chips, human and otherwise, fall where they may. Like a lot of us your pop was capable of great magic and also of making quite an amazing mess.

Photo of the Day

Photo of the Day

Basketball star Dirk Nowitzky at a rally

Wait, Did Robert Browning Murder Elizabeth Barrett Browning?

No, probably not.Noting that Robert was in the habit of administering Elizabeth’s medicines himself, his accusers claim that towards the end of her life he increased the daily dosage of laudanum to a fatal level… And it is true that towards the end of her life, her English doctor did prescribe stronger medication to alleviate Elizabeth’s symptoms of suffocation, irregular heart action and severe coughing fits.