Connie Willis Wins Her Seventh Nebula Award

Science fiction author Connie Willis has won her seventh Nebula award, this one for Blackout/All Clear, her two-volumes-makes-a-book time travel novel.
Read the news account here. Find out more about the Nebula award by reading the rules provided by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America.

Bob Dylan Turns 70: Three Photos

Bob Dylan Turns 70: Three Photos

Bob Dylan turns 70 today.  Is it wrong to say that he seems older than that?Here’s how he looked in the acoustic 1960s…… electrified on his 1978 “Street Legal” world tour…

Barack Obama Carries a Big Stick

President Barack Obama channels Teddy Roosevelt as he waves a hurley — the paddle-like stick used in the Irish game of

Non-Rapture Quote of the Day

“It has been a really tough weekend.”Prophet Harold Camping, on Saturday’s non-arrival of the Rapture.

Chewbacca is 67!

Peter Mayhew, who played furry sidekick Chewbacca in the original Star Wars movies, turns 67 today.