K.W. Jeter and the Birth of Steampunk

“Personally, I think Victorian fantasies are going to be the next big thing, as long as we can come up with a fitting collective term for Powers, Blaylock and myself. Something based on the appropriate technology of that era; like ‘steampunks,’ perhaps….”Letters of Note pins the term steampunk to a letter from sci-fi author K.W. Jeter in 1987.

Andy Warhol Exhibition, Andy Warhol Interview

Tomorrow the Indiana University Art Museum is opening an exhibit of more than 150 photographs by pop artist Andy Warhol.
The photos come from The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. Not to be confused with the Warhol museum.

Charles Portis Biography, with Anecdote

While reading up on author Charles Portis, I came upon the transcript of a lengthy interview he did with Roy Reed in 2001. The interview was for a project about the history of Little Rock’s Gazette, a newspaper Portis worked at in 1958.
Charles Portis went on to become a novelist. He wrote The Dog of the South and True Grit.
You can find the interview by way of this unofficial tribute to Portis.

Sirhan Sirhan: No Parole, 13 Times and Counting

Sirhan Sirhan: No Parole, 13 Times and Counting

“Board members argued that Sirhan hasn’t spent enough time reflecting on his crime.”Sirhan Sirhan, the man who assassinated Robert F. Kennedy in 1968, has again been denied parole.It’s the 13th time Sirhan Sirhan has been denied parole. The “I was brainwashed” argument didn’t carry the day for him.

New Dashiell Hammett Short Story to be Published

This week The Strand Magazine will publish a previously unknown short story by legendary mystery master Dashiell Hammett, the author of The Maltese Falcon and The Thin Man.
The story, titled “So I Shot Him,” is one of 15 unpublished stories discovered by The Strand editor Andrew Gulli at the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas in Austin.
Hammett’s family decided they would allow Gulli to publish one of the fifteen, and he picked “So I Shot Him.”
Here are some things to read about it:

Happy Birthday, Bieber and Bork!

Happy Birthday, Bieber and Bork!

Today is Robert Bork’s birthday! Yay, he’s 84 today.
It’s also the birthday of Justin Bieber — he’s 17. Yay!
Robert Bork, you may recall, became famous when he didn’t get the job as an associate justice for the United States Supreme Court. President Ronald Reagan nominated Bork in 1987, but Bork was rejected by a vote of 58 to 42. He went on to make a decent living as “the guy who got voted down.” He would add, “…and it was UNFAIR!”

Jack Wild, Happy Fifth Deathday to You

Jack Wild, Happy Fifth Deathday to You

Actor Jack Wild died on this day in 2006. Cancer of the mouth was the cause; he’d had most of his tongue and larynx removed in 2004, but the disease got him at age 53.

Oscar Winners Stare Bravely Ahead, Holding Their Oscars

Oscar Winners Stare Bravely Ahead, Holding Their Oscars

It’s easier to look bravely into the future when you’re holding an Oscar in your hand.  Academy Award winners Christian Bale, Natalie Portman, Melissa Leo and Colin Firth did just that last nigh

Two-Fisted Oscars for ‘The Fighter’

Two-Fisted Oscars for ‘The Fighter’

Melissa Leo and Christian Bale — mother and son in The Fighter — have swept the supporting actor awards at the 2011 Oscars.