Today’s Movie Trailer is in German

Here, from the German version of Fox Home Entertainment, is a trailer auf Deutsch for Gansgster für eine Nacht, starring Steve Carell and Tina Fey.
You may also know it as Date Night.

Conan O’Brien’s Live Webcam

Over at Team Coco on YouTube you can see a live video feed from the offices of Conan O’Brien.
Of course, it’s boring. So we’ve created a brief sample:

Manolo “Bud” Blahnik Steps Out

Manolo “Bud” Blahnik Steps Out

Ever wonder what shoe purveyor Manolo Blahnik of Sex and the City fame looks like?  Us either.  But here he was last night in London, at a launch party for Bryan Ferry’s new album Olympia.

Randy Quaid Skips His Court Hearing

Jiminy, it’s hard to keep up with the antics of actor Randy Quaid. He and his wife, Evi Quaid, have been tearing up the west coast on the lamest crime spree in modern history — trashing hotels, messing with the landlord and now missing another court date.

Barbara Billingsley Speaks Jive

I didn’t know that the late Barbara Billingsley was the “I speak jive” lady from the 1980 comedy Airplane.