Happy Birthday, Angelina Jolie

Here’s a collection of older footage of Hollywood movie star Angelina Jolie, who turns 35 today. The videos include some early Angelina Jolie appearances on TV and in the short film Angela and Viril, as well as an interview with a teenage Jolie about modeling.

Call him Sir Patrick Stewart

Stage and screen star and, more importantly, the man who played Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation, Patrick Stewart has been knighted.

“Yeah, we waterboarded…” says George W. Bush

In an otherwise boring and meaningless speech in Grand Rapids, Michigan, George W. Bush, who served as the president of the United States recently, let drop that U.S. authorities had tortured the man they suspected of planning the attacks of 11 September 2001.

James Cameron Says BP Doesn’t Need His Help

Film director James Cameron says his offer to help BP figure out how to fix their monstrous oil spill was rebuffed. His name showed up in the news this week in relation to the crisis, and the news was met with mixed reviews.
That means some people said, “Right on, that dude knows how to run things!” They have in mind Cameron’s films, including Titanic and Avatar, both of which are more undertakings than they mere movies.

Rush Limbaugh to Marry — Again

Radio host and Democrat-whacker Rush Limbaugh is said to be getting read to tie the knot — for the fourth time.
According to this bit of gossip, Rush is set to marry Kathryn Rogers, a resident of Florida who is 26 years younger. And a lot blonder.

Lou Gehrig Died Today in 1941

Today marks the anniversary of the death of baseball great Lou Gehrig. New York’s “Iron Horse” died at the age of 37, of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis — ALS, which for years was known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease.

W. Tweets!

Former U.S. president George W. Bush seems to have a new Twitter account.
I can imagine him saying to Laura after dinner, “Think ahm gonna go on down ‘n’ do some tweeterin’ — er whatever they call it.”
The most recent entry reads: “Since leaving office, President has remained active. He has visited 20 states and 8 countries.”

Francis Ford Coppola on ‘Apocalypse Now’

With the passing of Dennis Hopper came several news stories that reviewed his career and its standout moments. I was never much interested in Rebel Without A Cause or Easy Rider, but as a teenager I was blown away by Apocalypse Now, so I tend to think of that movie when I think of Dennis Hopper.Even though I’m sure I’ve quoted him more often from Speed. “Way to go, Jack, way to go!” and “That’s MY money, that’s money due ME!” and “the whim of a madman!” And so on.

Welcome to the United States, Mr. and Mrs. Native American

Today is the anniversary of the Indian Citizenship Act, enacted by the United States Congress in 1924. The act granted citizenship to every Native American born in the U.S.
Of course, as this piece from the Library of Congress points out, that didn’t mean it granted Native Americans the right to vote. That was still for the states to decide: “Until 1957, some states barred Native Americans from voting.”
Yes, that’s 1957.