J.D. Salinger: Not A Recluse?

Author J.D. Salinger was not a recluse, as so many have said (cough). Or so claim his New Hampshire neighbors:He would, until recent years, vote in elections and attend town meetings at the Cornish Elementary School, and he went to the Plainfield General Store each day before it closed. He was often spotted at the Price Chopper supermarket in Windsor, separated from Cornish by a covered bridge and the now ice-jammed river, and he ate lunch alone at the Windsor Diner. Mr.

Classic Rip Torn

The news of the arrest of 78 year-old actor Rip Torn — crashed out in a Connecticut bank with a weapon — gives us a chance to review this classic little bit from 1968.Beware the foul language, moms and dads, as Rip Torn and author Norman Mailer get into a nutty macho brawl, in a precursor to today’s “reality TV.”

A Selection of J.D. Salinger Links

The above ad is from RareLibrary.com. It’s probably true that any first edition of Catcher in the Rye is likely to have the swear words underlined, so it’s understandable that a book that’s been scribbled in can still be considered to be in very good condition.

PETA: Replace Punxsutawney Phil With a Robot!

We would like to present you with an exciting, innovative proposal — one that would benefit both Punxsutawney and Punxsutawney Phil. Please… make the compassionate decision to use an animatronic …..

Howard Zinn Dies

American historian and critic Howard Zinn has died of a heart attack. The author of the influential history book A People’s History of the United States, Zinn was 87.His obituary from the Boston Globe recounts his career and his influence on modern historians and students, and includes details of his run-ins as an agitator at Boston University.