Rachel Uchitel PHOTOS Over Time

Rachel Uchitel PHOTOS Over Time

We’ve been trying to grasp what Rachel Uchitel really looks like.She’s the nightclub manager whom The National Enquirer claims is the other woman in the Tiger Woods and wife brouhaha. Uchitel has an online photo trail going back to September 2001, when she was photographed in tears with the picture of her fiancee, Adam O’Grady.Here’s how Rachel Uchitel looked in December of 2010, after the Tiger Woods story broke:

The “Kobe Special”

The “Kobe Special”

“Hiking the Appalachian Trail” seemed to be a lock for Scandal Phrase of 2009.But here comes a late entrant: the Kobe Special. TMZ.com claims that Tiger Woods told a friend on Friday that he was going to need a “Kobe Special” to placate his wife Elin.

New Profile: Rachel Uchitel

For better or worse, we’ve just posted a new profile of Rachel Uchitel.She’s the New York nightclub manager whom The National Enquirer claims began an affair with golfer Tiger Woods in June.

TMZ: Tiger Woods’ Injuries “Caused by Wife”

The gossip website TMZ is now claiming that Tiger Woods was injured during an argument with his wife, Elin, before his traffic accident on Friday morning.We’re told he said his wife had confronted him about reports that he was seeing another woman. The argument got heated and, according to our source, she scratched his face up.

Obama Pardons First Turkey

“There are certain days that remind me of why I ran for this office. And then there are moments like this where I pardon a turkey and send it to Disneyland.”President Barack Obama on Wednesday.Happy Thanksgiving from Who2!

More Fingers from Galileo

CNN reports here that Florence, Italy’s Museum of the History of Science plans to exhibit what they believe are two fingers and a tooth once belonging to astronomer Galileo.

‘No More Chicken, No More Exercise’

When I got done, I said ‘No more chicken, no more exercise.’ The first day after we finished shooting, I ate three hamburgers, three French fries, three cokes. Are you familiar with Japanese bento? A 3-person bento box — I ate the whole thing. God, no more chicken.Singer/actor Rain on breaking his training regimen after filming Ninja Assassin.

Governor Sanford’s Ethics Charges

According to this story from The State in Columbus, South Carolina, the governor there, Mark Sanford, faces 37 charges of ethics violations.The various charges boil down to using public funds imprudently. Reading between the lines — since the ethics charges themselves seem like small potatoes — we assume these charges are an attempt to make the governor suffer at least a little for last year’s ridiculous scandal.


Paul Newman Memorial Movie ReviewFAT MAN AND LITTLE BOYViewed at home, courtesy of NetflixMeal: Popcorn and 2/3 of a bottle of Luzon Jumilla Spanish wine (2005)We happened to have FAT MAN AND LITTLE BOY in the house, courtesy of Netflix, so we watched it tonight with many fond nods and mental genuflections in the direction of Westport, Connecticut and the ghost of Paul Newman.