Saturday Flashback: Fleetwood Mac and ‘Rhiannon’

Good stuff: Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac play “Rhiannon” live in 1976 — the year after their debut album, Fleetwood Mac, and the year before the release of their smash album “Rumours.”

George Takei on The Newlywed Game

Check out this video bit from of Star Trek’s George Takei and his husband, Brad Altman, who appeared on the game show The Newlywed Game. The first same-sex married couple to do so, they say.The clip includes shots from the show and the two of them chatting about the experience.

Behind the Scenes with Spike Jonze

From Paste magazine, here’s a behind-the-scenes video from the upcoming Spike Jonze movie based on Maurice Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are.The video is called “The Absurd Difficulty of Filming a Dog Running and Barking at the Same Time.”

A Monty Python Reunion (and a New Baby, Too)

Monty Python is having a 40th-anniversary reunion show tonight in New York. Their show launched on the BBC on 5 October 1969.Last night they had a pre-union, as it were, on the Jimmy Fallon Show. Eric Idle, backed by Fallon’s house band, sang “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life.”

Lenny Bruce Auction

Happy birthday to the late comedian Lenny Bruce, who would have been 84 years old today, had he not overdosed himself off this mortal coil back in 1966. His daughter, Kitty, runs The Official Lenny Bruce Website, and today marks the beginning of a two-week auction of Bruce memorabilia.

A Toast from the Secretary of State

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton toasts photographers at McDaid’s Pub in Dublin on Sunday. She was accompanied by Art Rooney, the new U.S. Ambassador to Ireland.Clinton visits Belfast for political talks with Northern Ireland leaders today.

The Anniversary of Welles’s Death

Filmmaker Orson Welles died on October 10th (that’s tomorrow) in 1985, at the age of 70. Here are a few links — mostly videos — in tribute to Mr. Welles:

Barack Obama Wins the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize

“The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama’s vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.”From the official announcement from the Nobel Peace Prize committee.