Hudson in Manhattan, 1609

Explorer Henry Hudson and his Dutch ship Halve Maen (Half Moon) stopped in Manhattan on this day in 1609.Four hundred years ago, on a day of “faire and very hot” weather, they anchored and spent the night in what is now the Hudson River.A replica of Half Moon has been sailing around New York in celebration. You can see photos of it here.

Dinner with Sarah Palin?

As a benefit for the charity, former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is auctioning off an evening at dinner.Here’s a link to the EBay ad. Don’t forget to read the fine print before bidding — a background check is mandatory if you win, for example. Also, Sarah won’t spend more than four hours with you. And if she doesn’t like the idea of dining with you, too bad, the deal’s off.

Ford Pardons Nixon, 1974

Today is the 35th anniversary of the full and absolute pardon of President Richard M. Nixon by his vice president and successor Gerald Ford.

Oliver Stone’s South of the Border

Here’s the (lengthy) trailer for the new documentary film by Oliver Stone. It’s called South of the Border, and it features interviews with South American leaders, including Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and Lula da Silva of Brazil.It looks like the U.S.A. takes it on the chin in this movie.

“I Was In Hitler’s Suicide Bunker”

I watched as they wrapped Hitler up. His legs were sticking out as they carried him past me. Someone shouted to me: ‘Hurry upstairs, they’re burning the boss!’ I decided not to go because I had noticed that Mueller from the Gestapo was there – and he was never usually around. I said to my comrade Hentschel, the mechanic: ‘Maybe we will be killed for being the last witnesses.’The BBC interviews Rochus Misch, the last survivor of Hitler’s bunker.

Levi Johnston Was Born on May 3rd, 1990

In honor of the first anniversary of the 2008 Republican Convention, we’ve profiled Levi Johnston. He was just an unknown Alaska teen before he was hustled into the spotlight at the convention, courtesy of his role as the father of Sarah Palin’s unborn grandchild.

Sex and the Monkey Suit

Sarah Jessica Parker on the set of the Sex and the City sequel in Manhattan yesterday.The man behind her is unidentified. Why are they making him wear those clothes?

Short Review: Inglourious Basterds

Yesterday I saw Quentin Tarantino’s new movie, Inglourious Basterds.I like Tarantino, but I don’t love Tarantino. Pop in Pulp Fiction and I’ll watch it any time. Pop in Reservoir Dogs and I’ll watch most of it, if not all of it. For Jackie Brown I’ll stay to see Pam Grier and Robert De Niro. Probably.