How To Bury A Millionaire

Someone just paid $4.6 million for the crypt directly above Marilyn Monroe.”Here is a once in a lifetime and into eternity opportunity to spend your eternal days directly above Marilyn Monroe,” the eBay auction description boasted.

“Killer Cows” On the Loose in Britain

Mad cows, indeed….The NFU pointed to the fact that at least two of the four deaths involved walkers with dogs, which may be a factor in turning cows from placid cud-chewing bystanders into potential killers.Watch your back, Woody!

Michael Jackson’s Death: “Homicide”

Jeepers, here we go. Homicide, says the LA coroner.On the morning Jackson died, Murray said he tried to induce sleep without using propofol, starting first with valium at 1:30 a.m. When Jackson was still awake at 2 a.m., Murray injected Jackson with lorazepam, then injected him with midazolam at 3 a.m. Murray told police he administered several other drugs over the next few hours.Good grief.

Woody Allen Is Back In London, Thank Goodness

Good news: Woody Allen is back filming in Europe, where he makes livelier pictures. That’s him in the floppy hat, talking to Josh Brolin and Freida Pinto on the London set of “Untitled Woody Allen Project” earlier today.

All That Butter!

Here’s an amusing New York Times article about Julia Child’s book, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, finally hitting the best-seller list — 48 years after it was published.

Friday Follies

Alas, it ain’t real. But it is awesome.

The Clockwork Osmonds

Our new profile of Donny Osmond includes this list of his siblings. See if you can spot a pattern:George Jr. (b. 1945), Thomas (b. 1947), Alan (b. 1949), Wayne (b. 1951), Merrill (b. 1953), Jay (b. 1955), Donny (b. 1957), Marie (b. 1959), and James (b. 1963). They skipped a beat at the end there with Jimmy. But still, truly impressive consistency.

Lockerbie Bomber Goes Free

“We found him to be a highly intelligent, well-educated and deeply religious person who wishes to spend his last few weeks with his wife and five children.”Hard to believe, but Abdelbasset Ali al-Megrahi, the Libyan convicted of killing 270 people in the Lockerbie airplane bombing in 1988, is about to be released on “compassionate grounds.” He’s dying of prostate cancer.