Celebrity Photos Galore

We’ve got ’em!204 celebs and counting, from Bar Refaeli to Amelia Earhart to the always sexy Gordon Brown.(And R2-D2!)Thanks to Mike Duffy and Adam Duvander in the Who2 boiler room for making it all happen. And thanks to our new parters at WENN for providing the fascinating photos. We’ll be adding many more in the weeks to come.

Forget the Romulans: Fear the Stuntmen

On my first day of shooting I ended up breaking a stunt guy’s nose on the second take. A word of caution to any young actor out there: Do NOT hurt stuntmen because they will pay you back in kind. The next take after that, this big stunt guy kicked me in the stomach. He said it wasn’t on purpose, but I don’t know.Chris Pine learns the Hollywood way while filming Star Trek.

Transplant Patient Shows Her Face

Speaking of Van Gogh’s ear… the Ohio woman who got an entirely new face last year has revealed herself. (Photos not for the squeamish.)She also revealed the terrible story behind her disfigurement: Her own husband shot her in the face with a shotgun.What a story. Modern medicine!

Van Gogh’s Ear

Van Gogh’s Ear

Did Vincent Van Gogh really cut off his own ear? That’s what we’ve always been told.But this news story says two researchers have a different theory: Van Gogh’s ear was cut off by fellow artist Paul Gauguin. 

Our Loose-Cannon Critics

Weird: MSNBC has a “pre-pan” of Chris Pine as Captain Kirk… by someone who admittedly hasn’t seen the movie yet.Only William Shatner can fill Kirk’s boots, that’s the message. We all love Shatner, but… wha–?

Christian Bale Joins the Missing Finger Club!

A dirt-bike accident did the trick.Bale can proudly join Daryl Hannah, and Rahm Emanuel in our loop on Celebs Missing Fingers, which is possibly why he staged the accident in the first place.

Mini-skirts, Cigarettes and Poetry

Duffy remembers an idyllic period when she was a teenager working as a Saturday girl, sweeping up in a hairdressing salon, at the same time as Penguin was publishing a series of books by modern poets at half a crown a time. “I’d be in my leather mini-skirt and boots up to here.

The Knockout

British light welterweight Ricky Hatton was KO’d in the second round by Filipino fighter Manny Pacquiao last night in Las Vegas.