Art Bell Joins the Radio Hall of Fame

A story we missed in 2008: Eerie radio host Art Bell was inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame.It happened in November. Here’s his show card from the HOF, plus a bonus photo of Bell signing his poster next to a large dish of mixed nuts.

John Daly Guesses He Has Been Suspended for Six Months

Wild-man golfer John Daly says he has been suspended from PGA tournaments for six months. He doesn’t seem clear on the details.Well, he’s a fascinating guy. When he’s not losing millions gambling, or getting threatened with a steak knife by his wife, he still plays golf at a pretty high level for a guy who weighs 300+ pounds and surely doesn’t practice much.

Three-State Catfight For the Lincoln Bicentennial

Three-State Catfight For the Lincoln Bicentennial

Speaking of the upcoming Abraham Lincoln bicentennial: No surprise that Illinois, Kentucky and Indiana all have special websites for the event.Everyone wants a piece of the old railsplitter.

SuperNerd Becomes Mister 3300

Energy Secretary nominee Steven Chu is Who2’s 3300th profile. His profile went live yesterday.More about this amazing man in a later blog post.

“I Don’t Like Touching Jerry Minor’s Feet!”

We’re getting lots of searches for actress Rebecca Romijn the last few days… presumably looking for this video.That’s her real-life husband, Jerry O’Connell, playing Mr. Romijn.