Lynn Johnston: “Farley is Coming Back!”

The Washington Post has two new stories on cartoonist Lynn Johnston. One talks about her krazy plan for starting For Better or For Worse over on September 1st, retelling the strip’s early storylines in “new-runs.” Lynn reports with pleasure that Farley the Dog, long dead, will be once again alive under the new plan. (Though presumably he’ll have to croak again in the future.)

Cher’s Last Meow?

Oh, come on: Cher as Catwoman in the next Batman flick?

Michelle Obama’s Convention Speech

“And you know, what struck me when I first met Barack was that even though he had this funny name, even though he’d grown up all the way across the continent in Hawaii, his family was so much like mine.”Michelle Obama addressed the Democratic Convention last nightHere’s the transcript from The Denver Post.

‘The Torch Will be Passed Again’

“This is what we do. We reach the moon. We scale the heights. I know it, I’ve seen it, I’ve lived it. And we can do it again.”Ted Kennedy made a surprise speech to the Democratic Convention last night. CNN has the transcript.

‘This Cruel Disease Takes Its Own Course’

Alas. The Daily Mail reports that Margaret Thatcher has been in mental decline since 2000.The Mail yesterday ran excerpts from a new memoir, A Swim-On Part in the Goldfish Bowl, by Thatcher’s daughter Carol.

The Democratic Convention Starts Today

The Democratic National Convention starts today in Denver, Colorado. For local coverage, try these special sections from The Denver Post and The Rocky Mountain News.And here’s the official site.

Live Long and Prosper, King

Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction: Which Middle Eastern ruler once had a walk-on role on Star Trek?That would be Jordan’s King Abdullah II. Back in 1996, when he was still just Prince Abdullah, he appeared as a science officer in a Star Trek: Voyager episode titled Investigations.