Hollywood’s Mount Rushmore

“If Hollywood had a Mt. Rushmore, [Charlton] Heston’s face would be on it… He was a heroic figure that I don’t think exists to the same degree in Hollywood today.”-Publicist Michael Levine, quoted by the AP.This statement got us thinking. If Hollywood did have a Mount Rushmore, would Chuck Heston really be on it? (And where would they put it — next to the HOLLYWOOD sign?)

Charlton Heston Dead

“If you see a little less spring to my step, if your name fails to leap to my lips, you’ll know why. And if I tell you a funny story for the second time, please laugh anyway.”That was actor Charlton Heston in 2002, announcing that he had “symptoms consistent with Alzheimer’s disease.”Heston died Saturday at age 84.

The Clintons Since 2000: $109 Million

“As she entered the Senate and he left the political spotlight, the Clintons transformed themselves into a successful global brand.” – The Washington PostThey paid $33 million in federal taxes and gave $10 million to charity during that period, says the Post.

Death By Chimney

French writer Emile Zola had an unusual death. He died one night in 1902 when the bedroom chimney in his Paris apartment stopped working.Here’s how The New York Times reported it the next day, in a story titled “Emile Zola Dead From Asphyxiation”:

Keith Richards on Aguilera: “Who Is That?”

Keith Richards puzzles it out, courtesy of The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.Richards and Mick Jagger star in the new concert documentary Shine A Light. Movie review here. (“Advisory: Keith Richards smokes.”)

Duelling Crack-Ups

Transportation roundup: Jerry Seinfeld has trouble with an Italian car; Naomi Campbell with a British plane.