Justin Bieber in a Gas Mask? Yup, Justin Bieber in a Gas Mask
The pop singer has found the perfect accessory for a Brooklyn Nets baseball cap.
The pop singer has found the perfect accessory for a Brooklyn Nets baseball cap.
What if Charlie Brown is really a young Eminem?
Love him or hate him, el Presidente was certainly colorful.
The Venezuelan leader who called George W. Bush “the devil” has died at age 58.
Spiegel Online reports on a newly-published diary by Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the man whose assassination sparked World War I. He killed a lot of animals. A lot of animals.
The strange story of the false teeth made for Tojo as he awaited trial for war crimes.
Lt. John J. Wilpers, Jr. captured the former prime minister and saved his life — so he could be executed for war crimes three years later.
In which we wade in, clean up the mess, and pick the perfect host for next year.
The new Secretary of the Treasury is “exceedingly meticulous” and “the most unassuming power broker in Washington.”
One of the first American war heroes of World War II was an African-American named Doris Miller. Heard of him?