Facts about Adrian Zmed

Adrian Zmed is 71 years old
Born: March 4, 1954
Best known as: Officer Vince Romano on TV's T.J. Hooker



Adrian Zmed Biography

Adrian Zmed was a hunky and handsome actor of the 1980s, when he played an eager young cop on the TV show T.J. Hooker (with William Shatner) and hosted the TV series Dance Fever. Adrian Zmed grew up in Chicago, and his first big splash in show business came as a replacement in the Broadway cast of Grease as Danny Zuko (the role originated onstage by Barry Bostwick and later taken by John Travolta in the 1978 movie). Since T.J. Hooker, Adrian Zmed has worked in television and feature films only occasionally. His films include Bachelor Party (1984, starring Tom Hanks), Eyewitness to Murder (1991), Until Morning (2002), The Craving Heart (2006) and the TV movie Larry the Cable Guy’s Christmas Spectacular (2007).

Extra credit

Adrian Zmed speaks both English and Romanian… His son Zachary Zmed is a member of the band The Janks; the band’s MySpace page describes its genre as “Folk/Death Metal/Glam.”


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