Christopher Columbus
'The Death of Columbus.' A chromolithograph published by The Prang Educational Co. of Boston in 1893.
In this heroic depiction of Columbus, the caption reads: "Columbus died, May 20, 1508, at a poor inn in Valladoid, Spain. His last words were, 'Into thy hands, oh Lord, I commend my soul.' He died 15 months after Isabella, the Queen of Spain. Ferdinand, her consort, gave him a grand funeral. In 1538 Columbus' remains were taken to the New World, and they are now at Havana."
Image from the U.S. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Digital ID: pga 02389 Digital ID: pga 02389
In this heroic depiction of Columbus, the caption reads: "Columbus died, May 20, 1508, at a poor inn in Valladoid, Spain. His last words were, 'Into thy hands, oh Lord, I commend my soul.' He died 15 months after Isabella, the Queen of Spain. Ferdinand, her consort, gave him a grand funeral. In 1538 Columbus' remains were taken to the New World, and they are now at Havana."
Image from the U.S. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Digital ID: pga 02389 Digital ID: pga 02389