Facts about Danica McKellar

Danica McKellar is 50 years old
Born: January 3, 1975
Best known as: Kevin's dream girl on The Wonder Years



Danica McKellar Biography

Danica McKellar played Winnie Cooper on the coming-of-age drama The Wonder Years from 1988-93; in the pilot she gave youngster Kevin Arnold (played by Fred Savage) his first kiss. Danica McKellar later attended UCLA and graduated summa cum laude in mathematics before returning to acting. She has since appeared many times in TV shows, including a recurring role in 2003 as Elsie Snuffin on the TV series The West Wing (starring Martin Sheen) and a role as Trudy in the TV sitcom How I Met Your Mother (2007, starring Alyson Hannigan).

Extra credit

Danica McKellar’s first screen kiss with Fred Savage was also the first real-life kiss for both, or so publicists reported… Danica McKellar married composer Mike Verta on 22 March 2009. Their son, Draco Verta, was born in 2010. McKellar filed for divorce in June of 2012.


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