Facts about Emily Osment

Emily Osment is 33 years old
Born: March 10, 1992
Best known as: Lilly on TV's Hannah Montana



Emily Osment Biography

Emily Osment is known to viewers of the Disney Channel as Lilly Truscott, the best friend and sidekick of TV’s Hannah Montana (played by Miley Cyrus). Emily’s also the sister of Haley Joel Osment, the young actor who shot to stardom after M. Night Shyamalan‘s 1999’s The Sixth Sense. She got into the business at the age of five by way of TV commercials. She was in the movies by the age of seven (1999’s The Secret Life of Girls), and became known to young audiences through the Robert Rodgriguez Spy Kids sequels, in which she played Gerti Giggles (2002-03). After several auditions she earned a part in Disney‘s Hannah Montana as the spunky Lilly — a Punky Brewster-fashioned skateboarder with an inclination for screwball schemes. The television series debuted in 2006 and led to a line of merchandise, a concert tour for Cyrus and a feature film.


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