Facts about Emily Watson

Emily Watson is 58 years old
Birthplace: Islington, England
Best known as: Star of the movie Punch-Drunk Love



Emily Watson Biography

Emily Watson made her feature film debut in the 1996 movie Breaking the Waves. Her bold performance drew rave notices and was the first of many strong performances in emotionally-charged dramas. Watson never became a big star or headliner, but she’s worked steadily her entire career, appearing in two or three movies every year. Her films include The Cradle Will Rock (1999, with Hank Azaria); Angela’s Ashes (1999); Red Dragon (2002, with Anthony Hopkins); Punch-Drunk Love (2002, with Adam Sandler); Separate Lies (2005, opposite Tom Wilkinson); Miss Potter (2006, starring Renée Zellweger as author Beatrix Potter); The Proposition (2005) and War Horse (2011).

Extra credit

Watson is no relation to actress Emma Watson.


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