Facts about Fred Williamson
Fred Williamson is 87 years old
Birthplace: Gary, Indiana, United States
Best known as: Pro-football star who starred in '70s "blaxploitation" films
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Fred Williamson Biography
Fred Williamson, nicknamed "The Hammer," played professional football in 1961 for the Oakland Raiders, then was traded to the Kansas City Chiefs in 1965. A flamboyant self-promoter, Williamson led the media hype into Super Bowl I in 1967. After football he was an architect for a brief time, but then jumped into acting. He had early success in small parts, but his real fame came as an action hero in the movies, in low-budget films such as Black Caesar and Mr. Mean. He produced, wrote and directed many of the films he starred in. In 1996 he appeared with other stars of the era in Original Gangstas.
Extra credit
Williamson posed for Playgirl magazine in 1973.