Facts about Gates McFadden

Gates McFadden is 76 years old
Born: March 2, 1949
Best known as: Dr. Beverly Crusher on Star Trek: The Next Generation



Gates McFadden Biography

Name at birth: Cheryl Gates McFadden

Gates McFadden played chief medical officer Beverly Crusher of the space ship Enterprise on TV’s Star Trek: The Next Generation.

McFadden’s mix of cool professionalism and mature sex appeal earned her a devoted crowd of fans. (Many fans particularly loved the idea of her would-be romance with Captain Jean-Luc Picard, played by Patrick Stewart.)

A 1970 graduate of Brandeis University, Gates McFadden came to show business by way of dance and theater.

McFadden began working with puppets in the late 1970s, and she was a choreographer on the Jim Henson movies The Dark Crystal (1982) and Labyrinth (1986).

Her role as Dr. Beverly Crusher lasted through the show’s seven seasons on TV (1987-94), and she has since appeared in the Star Trek feature films Generations (1994), First Contact (1996), Insurrection (1998) and Nemesis (2002).

McFadden’s other appearances include The Hunt for Red October in 1990 (she was Caroline Ryan, hero Jack Ryan’s wife), Dirty (2005) and Make the Yuletide Gay (2009).

Extra credit

Gates McFadden had a regular role on the TV soap opera All My Children in 1988… Other Star Trek stars include Nana Visitor, Scott Bakula and William Shatner.


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