Facts about James Van Der Beek

James Van Der Beek is 48 years old
Born: March 8, 1977
Best known as: Dawson on the old TV show Dawson's Creek



James Van Der Beek Biography

James Van Der Beek played pensive, movie-loving teen Dawson Leery on the hit TV drama Dawson’s Creek from 1998-2003. (The same series launched the careers of Katie Holmes and Michelle Williams.) Dawson’s Creek made Van Der Beek a popular wholesome heartthrob and led to his starring role in the 1999 movie Varsity Blues (with Paul Walker and Ali Larter). Since then his appearances on the big screen have been somewhat rarer: film roles including Texas Rangers (2001, with Usher), The Rules of Attraction (2002, based on the book by Bret Easton Ellis), The Plague (2006) and Stolen (2009). He’s been much more active on TV, with many guest appearances on series like Ugly Betty (2006, with America Ferrera) and One Tree Hill (2008-09). James Van Der Beek played Dr. Joe Briggs for 10 episodes on the short-lived hospital show Mercy in 2010.

Extra credit

James Van Der Beek married the actress Heather McComb on 5 July 2003; they separated in 2009 and were divorced in March of 2010. He married Kimberly Brook on 1 August 2010. Their daughter, Olivia, was born on 25 September 2010, and they had a son on 13 March 2012.


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