Facts about Jean Chretien

Jean Chretien is 91 years old
Birthplace: Shawinigan, Quebec, Canada
Best known as: Prime Minister of Canada, 1993-2003

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Jean Chretien Biography

Jean Chretien was first elected to Canada’s House of Commons in 1963, beginning a stretch of nearly 30 years of unbroken service in government posts. From 1986-1990 he practiced law privately, but in 1990 was elected to lead Canada’s Liberal party. Three years later his party won a majority in the House of Commons and Chretien became Prime Minister on 4 November 1993. For the next decade he dominated Canadian politics and, in spite of charges of corruption and ethical violations by his administration, his popularity held steady until he retired in December 2003.

Extra credit

A childhood case of polio left Chretien deaf in his right ear and with a slightly twisted mouth.


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