Facts about Juliette Binoche

Juliette Binoche is 61 years old
Born: March 9, 1964
Birthplace: Paris, France
Best known as: Hana the nurse in The English Patient



Juliette Binoche Biography

Juliette Binoche won an Oscar as best supporting actress for the 1996 movie The English Patient.

Binoche had already been a star in France for nearly a decade, known for her quiet intensity, ethereal beauty and shy smile.

Her most prominent roles internationally include the innocent Tereza in The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1988, with Daniel Day-Lewis) and the wandering shopkeeper Vianne in Chocolat (2000, with Johnny Depp).

By 2006 Binoche had been eight times nominated for the César Award as best actress in France — she won once, for the 1993 movie Bleu — and she was again nominated for an Oscar as best actress for Chocolat.

Her other roles include a nervous wife in Caché (2005), a Mary Magdalene-obsessed actress in Mary (2005) and Steve Carell‘s object of desire in Dan in Real Life (2007).

Extra credit

In The English Patient, Juliette Binoche, playing a French Canadian nurse in the midst of a love affair with a Sikh bomb specialist, co-starred with Naveen Andrews, Ralph Fiennes and Kristin Scott-Thomas.


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