Facts about Kathy Ireland

Kathy Ireland is 62 years old
Born: March 20, 1963
Best known as: Sports Illustrated swimsuit model



Kathy Ireland Biography

Kathy Ireland appeared in 11 straight Sports Illustrated swimsuit issues from 1984-1994. Her green eyes, angular jaw and athletic curves made her one of magazine’s most popular models of that era. (Her 1989 cover was the magazine’s best-selling issue of all time.)  As her role at SI faded, she became an entrepreneur, signing a deal with K-Mart for her own line of clothing. Her company Kathy Ireland Worldwide has since flourished, selling home furnishings and other “solutions” for mothers and families. Forbes magazine reported in 2004 that KIWW products had “generated $1 billion in retail sales” the previous year. Kathy Ireland has also dabbled in acting over the years, with roles in the movies Alien From L.A. (1988) and Backfire! (1995) and guest shots on TV shows including Melrose Place (1994), Suddenly Susan (1997) and Touched By an Angel (1999).  She appeared on the show Dancing With the Stars in 2009. 

Extra credit

Kathy Ireland married Dr. Greg Olsen in 1988. They have three children: Erik (b. 1994), Lily (b. 1998) and Chloe (b. 2003)… Kathy Ireland and Rachel Hunter were both pregnant when they appeared together on the 1994 cover of Sports Illustrated… A 2012 cover story on Ireland in Forbes magazine estimated her personal wealth at $350 million.


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