Facts about Keisha Castle-Hughes

Keisha Castle-Hughes is 35 years old
Born: March 24, 1990
Birthplace: Donnybrook, Australia
Best known as: The young star of the movie Whale Rider



Keisha Castle-Hughes Biography

Keisha Castle-Hughes was the youngest person ever nominated for a best actress Oscar after her performance in the 2003 film Whale Rider. (The Oscar went to Charlize Theron instead, for the movie Monster.)

Castle-Hughes was eleven years old when Whale Rider was filmed, and was cast for the lead role despite having no acting experience.

After Whale Rider, she had a small role in George Lucas‘s Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005, starring Natalie Portman).

At the age of 16 she starred as Mary, the mother of Jesus of Nazareth, in the feature film The Nativity Story (2006). Just prior to the film’s release, Castle-Hughes announced she was pregnant by her boyfriend of three years, Bradley Hull; their child, named Felicity-Amore, was born on 25 April 2007.

Since then Castle-Hughes has appeared in several television and film productions in supporting roles, including Game of Thrones (2015-17), On the Ropes (2018) and FBI: Most Wanted (2020-21).

Extra credit

Castle-Hughes’s mother is Maori, her father Australian… Her father told The New Zealand Herald in 2004 that Hughes was born at Donnybrook in Western Australia, then moved to New Zealand as a child… According to a 2006 BBC story, Hughes became a New Zealand citizen in 2001… Her record as the youngest-ever best actress nominee was broken by Quvenzhané Wallis, age 9, of The Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012).


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