Facts about Keri Russell

Keri Russell is 49 years old
Born: March 23, 1976
Best known as: The star of TV's Felicity and The Americans



Keri Russell Biography

Keri Russell became a TV star with the title role in J.J. Abrams‘s coming-of-age television drama Felicity (1998-2002) and she had another hit with the cable series The Americans.

Her previous acting jobs included three years on The New Mickey Mouse Club, a role on the 1996 Aaron Spelling drama Malibu Shores and several made-for-TV movies. Since the success of Felicity, Russell has had a film and television career, usually playing light roles in forgettable movies, with the notable exception of Waitress (2007), the Adrienne Shelly comedy with Nathan Fillion.

Her feature films include Dead Man’s Curve (1998, with Matthew Lillard), We Were Soldiers (2002, starring Mel Gibson), The Upside of Anger (2004, starring Kevin Costner) and Mission Impossible 3 (2006, with Tom Cruise). On television she has also appeared in  Steven Spielberg‘s 2004 television miniseries Into the West, co-starred with Will Arnett in the 2010 sitcom Running Wilde, before starring as a Soviet spy in the series The Americans, beginning in 2013.


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