Kim Campbell

Facts about Kim Campbell

Kim Campbell is 78 years old
Born: March 10, 1947
Best known as: Canada's first woman prime minister

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Kim Campbell Biography

Name at birth: Avril Phaedra Douglas Campbell

The Right Honorable Kim Campbell became the first woman prime minister of Canada in 1993.

A native of British Columbia, Kim Campbell graduated with a degree in political science from the University of British Columbia (1969), then went to the London School of Economics and worked on a doctoral degree, returning to B.C. in 1973 to be a college lecturer. She entered law school and began her political career in 1980.

After a few years in local politics in Vancouver, Campbell was wooed by Canada’s Conservative Party to be a national candidate for a legislative seat in the election of 1988. She won and soon became a cabinet member under Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. Campbell became the first woman to serve as Minister of Justice and Attorney General (1990-93) and Minister of National Defence (1993), and when Mulroney retired in 1993 she had the clout to take over as the leader of Canada’s Conservative Party; in June she was officially appointed Prime Minister.

Four months later her party was trounced in national elections and Campbell was dismissed. She has since managed a career as a lecturer and board member of a variety of international organizations.

Extra credit

Kim Campbell earned her law degree in 1983… She has been married three times… She changed her name to Kim at the age of 12, after her mother abandoned her and her father and sister.


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