Olivia Rodrigo

Facts about Olivia Rodrigo

Olivia Rodrigo is 22 years old
Best known as: The Disney+ star who sang "Drivers License"



Olivia Rodrigo Biography

Olivia Rodrigo’s debut single, “Drivers License” hit the top of the Billboard charts in January of 2021 and stayed there for eight weeks.

Before that, Rodrigo was just another of the young actors in the Disney+ system, a co-star of the TV show High School Musical: The Musical: The Series since 2016.

From southern California, Rodrigo broke into the business by way of commercials and a direct-to-streaming American Girls movie (2015).

Then Rodrigo was one of the two teen music stars of the Disney+ series Bizaardvark (2016-19), where she demonstrated her pop music sensibilities and trained for future Disney comedy roles.

From Rodrigo’s debut album, Sour, “Drivers License” is a supposedly autobiographical pop tune about teenage heartbreak, a ballad that mixes spare and melodramatic verses with a resplendent bridge and chorus.


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