Patricia Ford

Facts about Patricia Ford

Patricia Ford is 56 years old
Born: March 17, 1969
Best known as: Playboy lingerie model of the 1990s


Patricia Ford Biography

Patricia Ford is the former Playboy lingerie model who became a popular electronic pinup in the early Internet age. A native Hawaiian, she specialized in surf-and-sun poses; Hugh Hefner‘s magazine Playboy named her its Lingerie Supermodel of the Year for 1996. Ford’s popularity as a model led to bit parts in some movies from the 1990s, including Play It To the Bone (1999, with Antonio Banderas) and Biggles: Adventures in Time (1986, with Peter Cushing). She also guested on a 2001 episode of Roger Corman‘s short-lived TV series Black Scorpion.

Extra credit

Patricia Ford is 5’5″ tall, according to the IMDB… Patricia Ford is no relation to the Patricia Ford, also known as Lady Fisher, who was the first female member of Parliament from Northern Ireland (1953-55).


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