Rachel Hunter’s shoulder blade tattoo
Here's a close-up shot of model Rachel Hunter's tattoo on her right shoulder blade. This photo was taken as she entered a Marc Antony concert -- more specifically, "The Cipriani Wall Street Concert Series Presents Marc Anthony hosted by De Grisogono," in New York City on September 15, 2005. The tattoo on Rachel Hunter's shoulder blade is a crescent moon, inside of which appears to be a wizard or spiritual fellow holding a crystal ball aloft.
On her official website, Hunter does not talk about this specific tattoo but she does say: "My First Moon Ahhhhh moment was 23 years ago... This passion with the moon came about while driving on the 405 [freeway], in Los Angeles with my beautiful 3 year old, at the time. Renee sat in her car seat in the back. She said 'Mum you know who you are you are a MOON MUM.' I mean how does one reply to that. It was Amazing... I would later get a tattoo on my left hip of a crescent moon with a Goddess surrounded by stars... representing MOON MUM's."
On her official website, Hunter does not talk about this specific tattoo but she does say: "My First Moon Ahhhhh moment was 23 years ago... This passion with the moon came about while driving on the 405 [freeway], in Los Angeles with my beautiful 3 year old, at the time. Renee sat in her car seat in the back. She said 'Mum you know who you are you are a MOON MUM.' I mean how does one reply to that. It was Amazing... I would later get a tattoo on my left hip of a crescent moon with a Goddess surrounded by stars... representing MOON MUM's."