Facts about Reba McEntire

Reba McEntire is 70 years old
Born: March 28, 1955
Best known as: Country singer and sometime actress



Reba McEntire Biography

Reba McEntire first reached the country music charts in 1976, but it wasn’t until 1984 that she had hit records in “How Blue” and “Somebody Should Leave.”

By 1987 she had been named the Country Music Association’s Female Vocalist of the Year four times in a row.

In the 1990s she continued to tour and record and branched out into television and movie roles.

In late 2000 she took over the title role of Annie Oakley in the Broadway show Annie Get Your Gun.

Extra credit

McIntire made her motion picture debut in the 1990 film Tremors.


Something in Common with Reba McEntire