Facts about Ruby Rose

Ruby Rose is 39 years old
Born: March 20, 1986
Birthplace: Melbourne, Australia
Best known as: Stella in the TV series 'Orange is the New Black'



Ruby Rose Biography

Name at birth: Ruby Rose Langenheim

Ruby Rose is an Australian actress, singer and DJ who became internationally famous after she joined the third season of the cable TV series Orange is the New Black as Stella in 2015.

In Australia, Rose came to fame as a model and an onscreen host for five years on MTV. By the time she joined the cast of Orange is the New Black, she had made her way with photo shoots, TV appearances, cosmetic sponsorships and as a nightclub DJ. She released a short film in 2014, Break Free, that became a viral sensation and announced to the world her feelings as gender fluid. Her personal life — dating other fashion models and almost being married to Roald Dahl‘s granddaughter — has kept her in the entertainment headlines, where the focus is on her physical appearance as a mixture of Justin Bieber and Angelina Jolie.


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